Verde Oil Aims to be at the Top of the World Olive Oil Exports

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Turkey has made significant progress in the olive and olive oil sector in the last 20 years. It will go even further. With the right strategies being followed, our country can reach its production and export potential, and the figures we are talking about as records today will normalize. Our goal is to ensure sustainable olive oil exports.

Verde Oil, which rose 184 places with its performance last year and reached 200th place in the List of Turkey’s 500 Giant Industrial Enterprises, received the Olive and Olive Oil Sector Export First Prize once again at the 31st General Assembly of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) held last June. Verde Oil Board Chairman Murat Türkal said that their goal is to be at the top of the world olive oil exports.

Stating that Turkey will go even further in the olive and olive oil sector, Türkal said, As Turkey, we have made significant progress in the olive and olive oil sector in the last 20 years. Especially in the last 5 years, thanks to both the increase in yields and the knowledge of the sector, we have reached the position of a country of strategic importance in world exports. The year 2023, which we left behind, was a year in which we broke records for our sector.

On the path we set out with the mission of being at the top of world olive and olive oil exports and ensuring sustainability in exports, we are experiencing the rightful pride of being the company that makes the greatest contribution to our country’s exports with the successes we have shown each passing year, and of showing how great transformations can be achieved when the right values ​​are set out,” he said.

Expressing that while 400 thousand tons of olive oil yield can be discussed today, they foresee that it can easily reach the level of 600 thousand tons in the medium term, Türkal said, “We have built, developed, expanded and transformed more than 10 production facilities in our country using the most modern technologies in the last 5 years and turned them into the world’s leading facilities in their fields. Behind every success we have achieved and every reform we have implemented, there is great effort, patience, diligence and experience thanks to our team that is expanding every day along with the investments we have made in our facilities.”

Verde Olive Oil

Investments of Verde will Continue

Expressing that while continuing their olive grove and land investments, they are simultaneously carrying out a project that will be the symbol of olive oil in Turkey, Türkal said, As of 2000, our country’s olive tree assets have reached 200 million with the investments made in olives.

With the right strategies being followed, our country can reach its production and export potential, and the figures we are talking about as records today will normalize. Our goal is to ensure sustainability in olives and olive oil with increasing investments and our olive tree assets. We would like to express our endless gratitude to our farmers and laborers, producers, valuable team, solution partners, sector stakeholders and everyone who has contributed to achieving these successes.

We Increased the Awareness of Turkish Olive Oil

Stating that the brand’s recognition in the international sector has increased day by day with its product quality and that they have become one of the few players that determine the world olive and olive oil sector with the right investments we have made, Türkal said, “Since the day we bought Verde Oil, we have expanded our limited packaged olive oil market every year. At this point, we are proud and excited to see that we have increased the awareness and brand value of our country’s olive oil with the “Product of Turkey” sign in the world’s major market chains.”

Verde Olive Oil Factory

About Verde

VERDE Oil Nutrition Industry and Trade was founded in 1996 in Izmir, Turkey. The TRK Group continues its success with the Verde brand and olive oil production. The registration of the Verde brand in Italy for 49 years, in the first year of entering the olive oil sector, is a clear indication of Verde’s intentions in the olive oil sector.

Since its foundation, Verde has continued to increase its performance in the business sector. Investments were made in four periods for the company which is strong and accessible to TRK Group in 2018. The first investment was made for the advertising and filling process. The second investment is for system restructuring, the third for improvement and the fourth for capacity building. The current technology and capabilities are comparable to the modern technology that is currently being used around the world. Verde uses Turkish, Italian, German and Swedish technologies.

Verde is a company that always follows the contemporary advances of the moment in terms of knowledge funds and gives great importance to investment in human capital alongside technological investments. As the first company to put olive oil in glass bottles in Turkey, Verde is a brand that always wants to identify itself in a new way, offering olive oil to consumers for the first time.

Verde, acting as a continuation of the Mediterranean tradition of palatal cuisine, supports its taste by constantly promoting cleanliness, quality and health and supporting the trust of the brand in the country and International. Verde, because of its reputation for accepting and paying attention to people, the environment and technological progress and progress, works on a design that is constantly changing, renovating and improving it and criticizing itself while emphasis on continuous development and improvement.

Advanced technology supported by a modern management system and qualified and qualified employees enable Verde to set its goals to ensure customer satisfaction at the best level through efficient work. power and speed require time using all the systems of the company to work efficiently and effectively. . Our company has implemented a system of management and organization with the aim of meeting the relationship and requirements for registered services and commercial records by changing the concept of discipline to the best level and thus, expertise and the achievement of knowledge and corresponding experience.

Verde’s mission in the Turkish market is to increase consumption, introduce quality products to the market and gain recognition and appreciation from consumers by offering a variety of olive oils. Verde’s goal in the international market is not to consume olive oil with Turkish companies but to create new markets for itself and Turkish olive oil, among other things, to compete with companies in other oil producing countries. olive.

Search for a market for himself in Turkish olive oil in markets that have recently been introduced or in the process of using olive oil to introduce and promote and promote Turkish olive oil that continues to develop and grow, maintain the share of Turkish olive oil in the international market. size and increase of production capacity and to achieve the sale of products that are useful and every passing day to build a brand among other objectives. Verde is a company that has the dedication and belief that such a goal can be achieved in the market.

Verde is one of the leading companies in Turkey’s food sector and announced its position in “Turkey’s 500 Best Industrial Companies 2015” by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry. Although exports to the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Spain, Italy, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Malaysia, Japan and China are 85% of the total revenue, the company currently has a market share of 16%.

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